BESUCHEN SIE UNS AUF DER Werkstattmesse in München VOM 18.10.2024 – 20.10.2024 am Stand von Truck Fit



TC taxi and rental car measuring device

PMG (dynamometer-measuring-device): Experience a new generation of roller dynamometers with the integrated Semmler Roller. Especially for checking and calibrating taxi and rental car tachographs – forwards and backwards. Designed for all climate zones. Approved in 180 countries for test workshops, calibration and inspection authorities, as well as for experts. Including error evaluation and GDPR-compliant data transmission.

TC-Speedo four-wheel: The dynamometer for four wheel drive vehicles can be positioned electrically. The axle distance can be adjusted automatically. Lifting bar and Semmler Roller ensure comfort – even in winter. Measurements are possible via a light barrier over the front or rear axle.

SMG (road-measuring-device): Can also be used as a road measuring device. Ideal for four wheel vehicles and especially large vehicles. Results can be transferred via the interface and summarised in a database.


  • Measurement and checking of built-in taximeters – of all manufacturers.
  • Fast roller dynamometer
  • Ideal for calibration offices, experts and test workshops.
  • Measurement of time, distance, speed and wheel circumference.
  • Three measuring methods: Light barrier, Semmler Roller or combined method.
  • Fully-automatic control and tariff-dependent regulation.
  • Hot-dip galvanised dynamometer, also available as four wheel version.
  • Compliant with legal requirements, multilingual and system-independent via TC-Brain.
  • Accuracy within one percent – cannot be manipulated.

TC-net Digi truck comfort fitting

Automatically measure and calibrate the tachograph on the roller dynamometer. Simply drive your truck on to the Semmler Roller to get started. Exact results are available after five minutes and the calibration is complete after 36 minutes. The TC-Net software defines the procedure. And compiles the measurement results depending on the type of vehicle and tachograph.

You can benefit from our decades of experience on the production line of truck and bus manufacturers. The calibration procedure there is standardised and designed for extremely high throughputs.

Moreover, integrated into the system: Send workshop card pin, read out and display error memory and print out protocol with sealing labels and inspection report. Results and customer data are stored in GDPR-compliant form and the software can also be integrated into all server landscapes. The aluminium housing of the measuring device is durable and designed for workshop operation.

Incidentally: Even four wheel drive vehicles can be tested using the Semmler Roller.


  • Automatic test procedure with printout of all reports, labels and protocols.
  • Calibration of digital and smart tachographs of all manufacturers.
  • Wireless measurement via radio. Can be operated via all terminal devices.
  • Workshop card and data can be read in and integrated into existing hardware and software.
  • Multilingual and adapted to country-specific requirements.
  • Accuracy within one percent – cannot be manipulated.

TC-net PTI truck comfort fitting

Comfort fitting

Police, authorities or TÜV – anyone who has to check tachographs relies on the Semmler Roller. Simply drive the truck on it to get started. Exact test values are available after five minutes. The TC-Net software takes over the PTI/HU* coordinated procedure. And compiles the measurement results depending on the type of vehicle and tachograph.

Moreover, integrated into the system: Send workshop card pin, read out and display error memory and print out protocol with special labels and inspection report. Result data is stored in GDPR-compliant form and the software can also be integrated into all server landscapes. The aluminium housing of the measuring device is durable and designed for daily testing operation.

Incidentally: Checks with the Semmler Roller save time and avoid mistakes.


  • Automatic test procedure with printout of all reports, labels and protocols.
  • Testing of digital and smart tachographs of all manufacturers.
  • Four wheel drive vehicles can also be checked.
  • Wireless measurement via radio. Can be operated via all terminal devices.
  • Workshop card can be read in and integrated into existing hardware and software.
  • Multilingual and adapted to country-specific requirements.
  • Accuracy within one percent – cannot be manipulated.
  • Settings remain unchanged.


*Periodical Technical Inspection / main inspection

TC-net truck comfort fitting

Automatically measure and calibrate the tachograph on the roller dynamometer. Simply drive your truck on to the Semmler Roller to get started. Exact results are available after five minutes and the calibration is complete after 36 minutes. The TC-Net software defines the procedure. And compiles the measurement results depending on the type of vehicle and tachograph.

You can benefit from our decades of experience on the production line of truck and bus manufacturers. The calibration procedure there is standardised and designed for extremely high throughputs.

Moreover, integrated into the system: Send workshop card pin, read out and display error memory and print out protocol with sealing labels and inspection report. Results and customer data are stored in GDPR-compliant form and the software can also be integrated into all server landscapes. The aluminium housing of the measuring device is durable and designed for workshop operation.

Incidentally: Even four wheel drive vehicles can be tested using the Semmler Roller.


  • Automatic test procedure with printout of all reports, labels and protocols.
  • Calibration of analogue, digital and smart tachographs of all manufacturers.
  • Wireless measurement via radio. Can be operated via all terminal devices.
  • Workshop card and data can be read in and integrated into existing hardware and software.
  • Multilingual and adapted to country-specific requirements.
  • Accuracy within one percent – cannot be manipulated.


TC test centre

Interested in checking tachographs? We will authorise you as a TachoControl test centre. You can then test tachographs and speed regulators as a legally authorised tester. To achieve this, we will help you master state regulations and train workshop specialists. Become a member of the Global Tachograph Network and reap benefits such as discounts, support and the TC all-round service just like 400 other workshops.

Advantages as a test workshop:

  • Testing of analogue and digital tachographs and speed regulators.
  • Special discounts without any obligation to accept.
  • Technology support via telephone – all-round service.
  • Applicable to tachographs of all manufacturers.
  • Courses and trainings, also in-house (link).
  • Prepared for innovations such as DSRC and GPS.